

The Importance of Taking Breaks

The Importance of Taking Breaks 

If you've listened to the latest podcast episode or read the latest Creative Digest newsletter, you know that I'm planning to take a few weeks off from both of those projects.

Breaks are important, you guys. In a world that is overly connected, those of us who create content often feel as though we have to churn out new, wonderful, amazing things for you to read, watch or listen to all the time. The internet never sleeps and it's really easy to feel as though you may become irrelevant if your blog or podcast (or YouTube channel, or Instagram feed, or, or, or...) goes dark for a bit.

Thing is: the more I take breaks, the more I realize that's simply not the case! I've also come to realize that I'm 100% better at my job (and better at life, if I'm being honest) when I allow myself the opportunity to step back and take a breather.

So as planned, the first break of CYOP Season 3 is upon us! You can expect new episodes to start rolling in sometime in late May. If you're a new subscriber to the Creative Digest (welcome!), you'll see the weekly newsletters pick back up around the same time.

I will likely have some blog posts popping up here and there over the next few weeks, but mainly I'll be spending the time:

  1. On a much-needed vacation with my husband.
  2. Working on some really fun freelance projects.
  3. Prepping for a few upcoming events.
  4. Pre-recording podcast interviews.
  5. Taking care of myself!  

I know you all can probably relate in some way to this need to press pause and I really appreciate that about you. I'm curious: have you ever taken a hiatus from projects or the internet, in general? How'd it go? Let's talk about it!