

More love.

It feels strange to be moving forward when so much of the world around us seems to be moving backwards. I'll be sharing a new podcast episode on Thursday, but I cannot simply let the events of last week go undiscussed.

Last week was a terrible week here in the U.S. and the unrest continues. It's heartbreaking to live in such a broken world.

I've been taught to keep my political leanings to myself and, even though the mainstream media would like you to think otherwise, I truly believe that this isn't about politics — this is about humanity.

Last Friday, before I took a break from the internet, I sent out an email to my Creative Digest readers. It feels important to share it here as well:


I had a Creative Digest drafted and ready to go for you this week. It was full of fun links, a podcast interview discussing the importance of making art accessible and some thoughts on maintaining independence in your career.

As much as I would love for all of that to be important right now, it simply isn't. Not with the amount of unrest and violence we've seen here in the U.S. over the last several days (and years) and throughout the world over the last several months (and years).

You know what is important?

Love. Compassion. Understanding. Empathy. An open heart. Open arms. Ears that are ready to listen. Eyes that are ready to see life through someone else's lens. The realization that the majority of the people on this planet likely want the same things: peace, happiness and the right to find a place in this life.

But right now, we're broken.

I have friends who find themselves explaining to their sons and daughters that (sadly, unbelievably, shockingly) they need to be on alert because of the color of their skin. I have friends and family members in law enforcement who are sickened by recent events and cannot imagine situations unfolding the way they have over the last few days. I have friends who have to continually explain that their religion is not a hotbed for terrorism. I have friends who have to continually explain that their religion is not a hotbed for bigotry. I have friends who work in government because they want to make the world a better place, but don't know where to start. I have friends in the military who are constantly questioning (and reminding themselves) what they're fighting for. I have friends who have told me they'll never travel alone because of their gender. I have friends who are scared for their lives because their gender doesn't define them. I have friends who can't believe they're still publicly shamed and targeted because of who they love.

This is an open letter to those friends and to anyone else who is heartbroken as we all face what's in front of us. This world is a precarious place and I'm standing with you, even though I may not know you personally and even if I'm far away.

We'll all handle things differently as the news of terrible events floods our screens. Some of us will speak out in public forums, some of us will show solidarity by showing up, some of us will have deep, face-to-face conversations that end with agreeing to disagree, and some of us will have similar conversations that end with hugs and tears and realizations. 

However you choose to handle things, I hope you approach it all with love.

Please, I beg of you: more love.

You can view the full email here, if you'd like. 

I sent the newsletter as a way to reach those who need to know that I'm here. I'm with you. We need to find a way through this and the only way I know how is to show love. It may not seem like enough — I get that — but love is what I've got to give.