

On Feeling Uninspired

On Feeling Uninspired

Here's the thing about doing what you love, following your passion or chasing your dreams: sometimes it stinks.

There. I said it. 

Sometimes in an uninspired moment, you end up on a job search site where you find a stellar job listing—one that includes a 50-hour work week, stability, a regular paycheck, a team of people and a pension (yes, a pension) and you think, "Hmmmm... that sounds pretty damn appealing." 

I tend to hit that particular wall every time I'm faced with something that seems like a huge hurdle. Perhaps it's something I've never done before or a step that could lead to either great success or spectacular failure.

Over the last week or so, I've found myself in a tiny funk—one that I'm sure has something to do with all of the big things I've got planned in the next few months. It's terrifying to take strides or pick a path I've never walked before and that funk has me feeling a little less inspired by what I'm trying to accomplish.

That's not to say I won't feel inspired again tomorrow. It's just that I'm trying to be okay with feeling less than inspired at all times. These days, life can appear to be one big bucket of rainbows with a few unicorns thrown in for good measure, but I'm here to tell you that it's okay to take a step back, read a book, watch a movie or stare off into space when you're just not feeling it. It's okay to sit with your funk and then move through it when you're ready.

So, if you're feeling uninspired at the moment, not to worry. I think we've all probably been there a time or two (or ten). Here's to keeping our collective chins up, friends!