

50 Days of Discussion | Halfway Through The 100 Day Project

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When I first signed on to participate in The 100 Day Project, a collaboration between Elle Luna, The Great Discontent and thousands of others just like me, I honestly wasn't sure if I'd be able to stay the course. 

As you may recall, I decided to pose a question to my husband each day that would hopefully open the door to a longer discussion and I have to tell you—this project has been absolutely incredible.

My husband and I have asked each other one question each day over the last 50 days and we've had some deep conversations, a few laughs and the opportunity to reminisce a bit—all of which I highly recommend experiencing with your significant other!

What I didn't expect was the huge response from those of you who've been following along on Instagram. It's strange to say, but I feel like I'm getting to know all of you better! And that's kind of wonderful too, don't you think? While I'm having trouble responding to each and every comment (the whole point was to talk with my husband, so it's been crucial for me to step away from my phone to make that happen), I'll definitely continue to do my best as we dive into the next half of this project—I promise!

Thank you so much for following along. I hope you're using the questions in your own household as well. Be sure to let me know how it's going in the comment section below!