

CYOP #30 - Podcast Road Trip: Off to LA!

I'm so excited to be heading south to sunny Los Angeles this week for the first-ever Creating Your Own Path road trip! I've got a handful of amazing interviews lined up and I can't wait to meet these cool kids in person and share their stories with you all.

On a somewhat-related side note, this week's show will be a short mini edition with yours truly. Here's the deal: I've been working pretty much around the clock to bring some fun things to life (PROMPT CLUB, new one-on-one consulting options, the podcast, freelance work, etc.) and I needed to take a week off from at least one thing. You all know how that goes, right?

Let's consider it a breather. A spring break, if you will. Here's a mini episode with a few more details: 


And here are two ways to get your fix until next week:

Can I be honest? Instagram is where I have the most fun online. I love sharing on that platform. So, if you want to follow along with my SoCal shenanigans, that's where you'll get all of the behind-the-scenes goodness (find it all at #CYOProadtrip). Also: last week I started a hashtag for all you awesome listeners to share where and how you listen to the show! So, take a fun picture (like Jessica did) showing us all where you listen and share it using the hashtag #CYOPwhereilisten. Who knows—you might have a chance to be featured on my feed and on the blog!

The show has welcomed a ton of new listeners over the last few months so if you're new to the show, this week is a great time to catch up! A good place to start is with Episode 20, which gives you a birds-eye view of the first season. Fan favorites across both seasons include Episode 17 with musician Autumn Sky Hall, Episode 19 with blogger and maker Elise Blaha Cripe and Episode 22 with Allie Lehman of Death to the Stock Photo. If you're anything like me, you're an expert at binge listening. If that's the case, I'd recommend using iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app to subscribe and start from the beginning. 

Happy listening and Instagramming, my friends. I'll catch you on the flip side!