

CYOP #7 - Crowdfunding a Self-Published Cookbook with Anna Watson Carl of The Yellow Table

Anna Watson Carl of The Yellow Table // Photo: Nathan Poekert 

Anna Watson Carl of The Yellow Table // Photo: Nathan Poekert 

I've been following the culinary and creative journey of Anna Watson Carl of The Yellow Table for quite some time and I'm so thrilled to have her as a guest on the podcast today! She's always offering up inspiring posts and fantastic recipes, but what strikes me most is her authenticity. She's super honest about what it's been like to create a cookbook and host dinner parties in her Manhattan walk-up apartment (think: hauling a ton of groceries up several flights of stairs and using the bathtub to hide dirty dishes!) and she was kind enough to call in to the show right before she left on her book tour/road trip to chat more about her creative journey.

One of favorite parts of the conversation comes in around 00:10:25 when I ask about whether or not the cookbook journey came with any skeptics. She notes, "I was very scared of that going into it [...] every one of those conversations, I went into holding my breath thinking, "What if they laugh at me? What if they say I'm crazy.?" [...] Reaching out to close friends and family and saying, "Hey guys, I'm about to embark on this...what do you'll think?" Everyone has been nothing but 110% supportive."

Get ready to be inspired, my friends. Happy listening!


Also: I've already finished some birthday and Christmas (yes, Christmas) shopping by pre-ordering several copies of the cookbook over on Kickstarter.

If you're up for it, you can support the cookbook and Anna's journey here as well!

Creating Your Own Path Podcast // Anna Watson Carl of The Yellow Table


Listen in as I chat via Skype with Anna Watson Carl of The Yellow Table.

The writer, chef and soon-to-be-published cookbook author gives us a peek into her creative journey, some of the internal struggles she faced while creating her cookbook (which will be out in the fall) and why she's chosen to crowdfund and self-publish the book.


Get to know Anna and follow along with her upcoming adventures!



I hope you've enjoyed listening to the episode as much I enjoyed creating it, my friends. Please be sure to head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate and review Creating Your Own Path, if you have a moment. You can also keep up with the podcast over on The Stitcher App. I really do appreciate your feedback and support!