

Featured: Clementine Daily + Rethinking Your Budget

When I received the assignment to research a few budgeting tools for Clementine Daily, I was super excited. Nerdy, right? Thing is, I've actually been meaning to check out sites and apps for tracking and goal setting for awhile now and I'm so glad I had a chance to dive right in.

You can read the full article here.

I know everyone has their own ideas about saving, spending and being smart about money, but I think the beauty of online tools is that you can pull everything into one place. It doesn't hurt that some of the tools actually make it easier to visualize your larger financial picture either. An aesthetically pleasing budget? Yes, please.


What about you? What are some of your favorite tools and tips for rethinking your budget? Be sure to head over to Clementine Daily and add your two cents to the discussion!