

Farewell, February

Farewell, February - jenniferesnyder.com/blog

Well, that was fast! February has come and nearly gone, my friends. I'm saying goodbye to the month of love by revisiting the goals and intentions I set out to accomplish on February 1.

Let's have a look, shall we?

At the beginning of the month, I noted that I'd like to:

  • Go on a day trip, hike or adventure of some kind. 
  • Really, truly wrap up my on-the-side design projects. 
  • Finalize my little office makeover.


Unlike last month, I actually did pretty well with these goals!

  • Day Tripping: I did go on one really fun day trip to Nevada City. Though I would have loved add a few more adventures to the mix, my time was spent on the other two goals. It's all about balance, right? 
  • Design Projects: I am so close to finally being done with these projects. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, I can feel it.
  • Office Progress: The standing desk is finished (if you've been following along on Instagram, you may have seen it) and I've been using it for about a week. So far so good! I've got a few more things to tackle in the space and I'll be sure to share along the way!


So there you have it. I did okay, if I may say so myself. How about you? Did you tackle the things you had hoped to accomplish this month? I'd love to hear more about what's going on with you all!