

The Importance of Pressing Send

The Importance of Pressing Send // Real-Time Lessons Learned While Writing a Book

Well, here we are.

This is the first official update on my 90-day experiment to channel more of my energy into this book project. While I've been busy building an outline to better organize my thoughts, notes and random bits of writing, I've also been sharing my book idea—the full, unedited, BIG idea—with people I hope to collaborate with along the way.

In short, it's been slightly terrifying.

Several months ago, I penned a piece for Clementine Daily about getting over the fear of hearing 'no.' Yet, I still have to constantly remind myself to take my own advice. 

It doesn't seem to matter how often I put myself out there and click the send button, I still get that fluttery feeling in my tummy every time. It's one part excitement, for sure, but there's also the unmistakable feelings of fear and self-doubt.

You've been there, right? Have you felt that simultaneous flood of both elation (Read: Eek! I. Just. Did. That.) and dread (read: What if they say no?!)? 

I know in my head (and my heart) that it means I'm moving in the right direction and the fear and doubt creep in anyway. So, how am I handling it? Well, I've been tackling the feelings by pressing send anyway. That's the only way I know how to silence the little voice in the back of my mind telling me that this project is much too big, far too outlandish and completely unattainable. 

I just keep pressing send.


p.s. More about the book project.