

Northern California + Robin Williams + Happy Links

{Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" // Robin Williams}

Happy Links: {Disclaimer: While I'm putting these under the 'happy links' header, the links below really fall under the 'links that make you think' category. Just roll with it.}

  • I am so intrigued by these photos of cities without any man-made light. Photographer Thierry Cohen did an amazing job illustrating what city dwellers are missing when they look up into the night sky.
  • This video combines cool graphics and Ira Glass's explanation of how creative endeavors (in this case, storytelling) evolve. It is the most brilliant way of describing how it feels to be elbow-deep in new creative ventures. Please watch it, if you have two minutes.
  • Speaking of the creative process, I identified BIG TIME with this recent post from former Sacramentan David Watts Barton. It's an incredibly honest post and is just one of the many reasons I admire his work.

Wrap it Up:

  • It's hard to believe that just a few short days ago, we were snowshoeing in Donner Memorial State Park. It's supposed to hit 72° in the Sacramento Valley today. Spring has arrived, my friends!
  • It looks like things are coming together for the project I'm working on in my map design class. Has anyone else signed up? Be sure to let me know and I'll find you in class.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!