

2013: The Year of Creativity

Okay, so I'm fairly certain most bloggers and readers out there are tired of posts about resolutions and "this will be the year it all comes together!" rhetoric. In an attempt to steer clear of the usual "New Year, New Me" chatter, I'd like to instead offer up a promise:In 2013, I promise to create something every day.

Now, that doesn't necessarily mean I'll end up with 365 "somethings." It also doesn't mean I'll be posting everything I create to this blog. What it does mean is that I'll be working to explore my creativity every, single day.

  • I may finally draft that essay to submit for publication.
  • I might polish up those story pitches.
  • Maybe I'll work on creating a really well-composed photo.
  • I could modify a favorite recipe.
  • Heck, maybe I'll even start painting again!

Really, the opportunities to dive into the creative process are endless. I intend to use this promise as a way to remind myself every day that I am a creative person. I forget all the time. As I attempt to make a living doing what I love, I often focus too much on the accounting-marketing-promotional-bottom-line side of owning a business. Add in my penchant for worrying, and all of that business can send me down a path leading to everything except creativity.

So, since I'm on Day 1 of this promise, I'd like to share my first video edit using my new GoPro camera! I've been researching the tiny wonders for a while now and I finally decided to go for it. I shot this yesterday, but I edited the video this morning. We all know that edits are where the magic happens, right? Yeah. So I'm claiming this as something I created today. :)

Please change the quality to 720p or 1080p HD by clicking on the little gear icon along the bottom of the video window.

A few disclaimers:

1.) Yes, I'm aware that this is sooooo boring compared to the amazing GoPro edits out there and that I could have captured this footage with almost any camera. I figured it would be best to learn the functions of the camera on solid ground. Don't worry, I've got more exciting plans for this little dynamo of a camera in the future.

2.) As I share some of my creative endeavors, there's a really good chance that whatever I create will be... well... awful. I'm learning new things and sharing as I do so. Sometimes, I might share something terrible. You've been warned.

3.) This isn't really time-lapse photography. I just increased and decreased the speed of the video in iMovie. I know, I know... that's like cheating. I'm learning, remember!

I hope you'll stick with me on this resolution goal and hold me accountable. I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments and hearing more about your experiences, so if you have any tips or recommendations for nurturing one's creative side...I'm all ears!


Cheers, friends!