

A Little More Montana

Just to get you up to speed: I posted yesterday about flying to Montana to surprise my girl, Jamie for her birthday over NYE weekend. Once we recovered from a little too much fun, we headed into downtown Missoula for some shopping. Here are a few pictures I snapped along the way:

This was my third trip to Missoula and, though I love California, I always feel really comfortable there. Missoula is home to the University of Montana and it's definitely a college town. It's sort of like a downtown Davis/Berkeley mash-up with fewer people and large side of rugged thrown in for good measure. I dig it.

I left the next day, which is always sad. I'll be back, though. Of course it had to be all stunning as I was leaving Missoula International:

This lovely beast was kind enough to welcome me home. It was my first time flying into the new Terminal B at Sacramento International:

Not bad, Sacramento. Not bad at all.

You can see more of my Montana photos over on Flickr.